TOP correct Phrases to Start communicating

Gender differences are often seen As obstacles to happiness

If the men are really From Mars and the women Are from VenusIf you do not understand Correctly and communicate well, how To talk to a girl You like, how to make Contact and what cool things You can say to a Girl, then this article is For You.

I share the principles and Rules of communication with a girl.

Let's start by telling You what women and men Are like and how they Differ, so that it will Be easier to navigate and Work with the communication strategy.

Women are not from Venus, But men are from Mars. Our brains are pretty much The same, except for the Proportional ones differences in some Parts of it. This means that we react And act in the same Way and can easily understand Each other. But women are more straight Out of gray matter, which Makes them more likely to Empathize and read emotions. It is for this girl That you need to gently Call and bring pleasant words To tears. This is due to the Fact that the female body Is designed for childbearing: two Of these abilities are just As important as the maternal Instinct, and the physiological differences Between women and men are More obvious. This difference allows for a Certain difference in the perception Of women: women are physiologically Predisposed to emotional perception better Than men, and, on average, Are more likely to benefit From it.

This does not mean that Any woman of any man.

This means that she has A starting level in the Form of a predisposition, which She will not raise during Her lifetime. At the same time, there Is nothing stopping men from Balancing their emotional intelligence, and Some do not.

Another difference, overlapping socio-cultural Stereotypes that we learn in The learning process.

At the same time, you Can't do any of These things in the mentality, At various levels, from the Model to the tradition of A particular family. In most cases, girls are Brought up as the nicest And softest often weak, and Boys are brought up as The strongest. We are not so different In childhood, but thanks to The established social dogmas, we Grow up in a much Different way.

So women and men are different.

And the same thing. They are similar and dissimilar At the same time. Yes, it is sometimes difficult For men to understand what A girl thinks. But it is not a Different kind, so do not Place differences in the angular Chapter: a common language that You can always find, keep In mind. To learn how to communicate Confidently, use the phrases that You always perceive correctly when Analyzing a woman. Judging by the answers of The girls themselves, their self-Confidence and simplicity. In most cases, the guys Do not spin intrigues, do Not put unnecessary words, do Not expect reactions by asking About something else. Continue a light and subtle Dialogue with them, albeit simple, But romantic. Due to the lower tendency To emotionality and the upbringing Of most of them as More simple people who tend To say everything directly, it Is really easier to communicate With the guys. Here the period of adolescence Also plays a role: in It, boys often learn to Directly engage in conflict, and Girls know the taste of Intrigue and conspiracy from the Backs themselves. One way or another, this Trend is often saved in The future, which interferes with The life of both more And others. Boys often lack flexibility, and Girls lack righteousness. This is why a boy'S communication with a girl Seems unusual in a riddle, While a girl talking to A guy recovers from the Female difficulty of communication. The guys love them for Their firmness, directness, and more Balanced nature. They often provide help not In words, but in deeds, Express an alternative view of Problems that the girl may Not even think of. as a girl, the guy Is not afraid that he Will be understood on the Contrary: he will take into Account exactly what he hears, And will not try to Put something extra into it, As is often the case Among girls. And, of course, girls love Guys for their attention. For the opportunity to flirt. Because it's a rare Interaction, different from interacting with Their gender. And at this point, the Opinion of both sexes converges. The task of finding an Unknown girl that you like And sharing your contacts with Her for further communication seems Unrealistic to many. However, this is quite feasible If you know the basic rules. If you are wondering how To start a conversation with A girl and what to Talk about at the first Meeting, then this little block Is for you. Dating online Dating easier Dating.

What is the difference between Men and women

Two people feel safe in Each of them is in Its own space, no one Comes to the physical boundaries Without an invitation. All you have to do Is write the girl something Non-trivial.

Not necessarily immediately related to It, but something more interesting Than Hello, how are you.

I answered the message for her. Another advantage of online Dating Is the ability to think. Both the initial phrase and Each reaction. With the most convenient reaction, The girl can also react immediately.

Pauses in communication are usually Perceived as normal, something that, Live, personal interaction reaches the unreal.

If you write on a Dating site, you can throw Absolutely any hook, because the Girl went to this platform And came. With the likes of VK, Facebook, and Odnoklassniki, the story Is a bit different. If you decide to start A correspondence with a girl On, then it is better To explain who she is And where she came from. There's a girl to Find out, maybe that wasn'T your intention, but because The probability that she will Reply in the void in Terms of the meaning of A message from a stranger, Rather than send in spam, Is much lower. Phone calls are becoming less Common practice for most issues, And more convenient to solve.

Phones are more likely to Use a separate app.

distance from lovers or friends. So here's a good Strategy: introduce yourself, explain where You got the girls room From, and honestly tell them What they wanted. Preferably concise. There is a chance that The girl was distracted by Your call and talking to Her now is not very comfortable. So you say, clearly, and About the case. Try not to do this, Do not go to conversations And do not prolong yourself Too much. This approach is very important In phone conversations. Let's just say: the Penis does not exist.

There is no single strategy That can help you connect With someone.

Girls like guys, as if People are different. They don't look like A mechanism that has to Guess the code or key. It doesn't work that way. All of you can follow The rules of communication and Hope that with the person, Interests and personality. Misunderstandings in communication are not New and are generally normal. When you meet two people With different experiences, opinions, and Coordinate systems, and try to Communicate in a more open language. at a close level that Is neutral, with a high Probability that something will go wrong. A person must rely on Himself and be prepared for difficulties. If you feel that communication With a girl has remained A lie, ask directly what Is not. To avoid expressing your feelings In the most insulting way Possible, be careful and remind The girl that it is Important to communicate with her, You really want to learn And understand. Agree to the interaction. your level of dissatisfaction and Ask the girl to do The same. Agree that each of you Will immediately start talking and Calm down if you don'T talk. Finally, that each other are Not enemies and working together Is in your best interests. The most common problem of Girls in communication with young people.

They are still often perceived As an object, often as A machine for entertainment, to Which you can pick up The key.

But this is not the Case, and although clones are Not invented, all girls are People who want to be Treated accordingly. I believe that compliments they Should be simple and, above All, sincere. I will certainly be pleasantly Touched by this compliment, but Not so you dreamed in My dream, and I was Told that my future wife. It is better to sincerely Say what you like about A person: a smile, hair, laughter. It seems to me that The question about the attractions Of the girl's profile Photo is more neutral and Attracts attention.

And if you immediately start Making compliments, then it's Easy to click on it.

The important point is to Try to be accessible to All these phrases and not Be like a poem. Otherwise, the girl will drive Away an unknown force from you. Be close to the person Who wanted you to hide, Figuratively speaking.

The main thing is not To offend the girl in Conversation and not to be rude.

If I'm Dating someone, It's just to try To find topics of interest Or a nice compliment to make. Another important quality is knowing When to stop a conversation So as not to annoy The person. It seems to me that In dealing with it is Very important for girls to Catch the feedback and not Push when she doesn't Want to. Perseverance, of course, is good, But not always and not With everyone.

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