How to Meet a Guy

Yes, and there are much More romantic ideas in our head

And now for the fun partWe're playing today. And they, as you know, Are acting decisively and in Strict accordance with the plan. All mi-mi-mi stayed At home with their favorite Mickey mouse t-shirt. brave, determined, armed to the Tips of their nails and Never lost. Then you start the mission This flower, which I take With me, is completed. Tall brunette with a cover Healthy blonde with a booklet Understand the secrets of botany Overnight underline.

Not very promising prospects, is it

Conquer and neutralize. Yes, we have set ourselves A task where globally, we Just know. Knowledge takes three seconds and Is delivered in I-Masha, And I, and our goal Is to make an impression, To impress in the memory And thick memory right in The heart. Or at least go on A date.

Stunning appearance the dimension of The index is to look At yourself in the mirror, At you and at her, Because it's not far To go on a date With this beauty, a sense Of humor, self-confidence and Self-confidence.

We keep repeating that in The last century, women learned How to Park, open cans Of cucumbers themselves, and probably You will be able to Get acquainted with them yourself. So: you see a guy With, came up, made a Compliment, took it and had A beer to drink. And then, I think, we Can already make a proposal By hand and from the heart. Let's go back to The basics. As you know, man is A hunter by nature. Men don't they like To buy fish in the Supermarket - they go fishing. Men love to compete, win Competitions, and win. Interest in the game of Touch-catch and conquer again.

And if you approach, ask Questions on the phone, do The same thing as giving A prize at the beginning Of the game, beyond the Fact that it's already Getting boring to play.

I will move on, take The initiative, be a man And start acting from the Very beginning. And, by the way, psychologists Have proven that what you Got with difficulty is valued More than what you didn'T have to fight for. The difficulty in this case Is knowledge. It's a little stressful For both you and him To overcome your shyness, fear Of rejection, and realize what You need to know. You don't have ownership Of the task - let him Solve it. Another argument in favor of The fact that the initiative Should come from him. Let's look at the Situation from a marketing perspective. We all remember sellers of Chinese products of questionable quality Who go from at home In the house and offer, Convince, demand to buy a Miracle pot with the function Of a refrigerator or a Flashlight with the function of A gun. This product is not in Demand, you need to go And offer to buy it. Conversely, to sell products of Well-known brands and very Good quality, I don't Need to convince anyone. The buyer understands that he Does not depend on the Item and that it is Prestigious for him. He made a commitment to Buy, and not the seller Comes to his house with A conviction.

In which you will be More like when with your Phone number in hand and With an invitation to a Meeting: in which you have To promote yourself in any Case, or the one with Which the princes are at The end of the world.

But that doesn't mean You have to bend the Handle and wait, wait, wait.

You, there's nothing you Can do.

You're just being considerate And very conscious. So, the strategy has been Developed and taken into account In the points of the Implementation plan of our activities. Even the most beautiful vacuum Cleaner in the world will Not interest anyone if no One knows about it.

So, again, talk about what Men like to target and Hunt for the same thing.

And the main goal is To want to know about yourself. This is very important. And for him to want To do that, he has To see you, and you Have to be interested. If, for example, at a Party, you come into view And strike up a conversation With someone, if you notice Them in the cafe-even From the room and from Behind, you may have accidentally Hit them. When he sees you, it'S time to make eye Contact with him.

Hold your gaze for two Seconds a classic, but valid date., you can easily smile, Letting him know that you Set up a friendly mood, You do not have and, If he talks to you, You are not in the Bag from playing aerosol gas.

You were noticed, he clearly Liked it, maybe you smiled At him - enough. Now it's your turn To go on the offensive. Perfect for further development of Events - he comes up to You, meets you, and starts talking. This is the most important Moment of our entire operation. Pulls all the guys out Of their guns from dazzling Smiles to beautiful and good jokes. By the way, a sense Of humor plays a very Important role. The famous Italian businessman, whose Fortune is estimated at dollars Million, as well as Formula Manager Flavio Briatore, said: To Fall in love, a woman Has to make me laugh. There are many beautiful and Charming girls, but to be Truly charming, you need to try.

But that's exactly what You're doing.

So try to imagine that You are in a job Interview and you have exactly Three minutes to Wake up Your potential employer. It's just that she'S not interested in business Plans, but in one. The situation has changed. He looked at you and You were already smiling at Each other, but he doesn'T fit and doesn't fit.

Maybe he already has a girlfriend.

And maybe he's a Complete stranger. But we do not believe That neither this nor any Other excuse will take the Initiative and bring it closer To the first one. You can, of course, try It, but then what can You expect from this Prince Of feats, if he did Not overcome, for the love Of you and five meters In length. Perhaps Cinderella's success was Achieved because he knew when To mysteriously dissolve.

After you notice that he Likes to talk to you, That he likes you, it'S time.

Apologize, say you have to Go, and if you're At a party, say you Need to talk and leave. He would have the feeling That the prize that was So close and was so Beautiful and coveted had suddenly disappeared.

After that, he definitely turns To look for a meeting With or invites you on A date.

And an article about a First date that you've Already read.

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